Wisconsin Votes NO

Tell Your Friends and Family

We need your help. This election will be low turnout and we need to make sure everyone knows what’s at stake. Telling your friends and family is crucial to defeating Questions 1 and 2. We created this toolkit to help you spread the word. 

Download Our Fact Sheet:

Print out and distribute to your friends, family, or organizations that you’re a part of. 

Change Your Profile Picture:

Download this image and temporarily change your profile picture through Aug. 13 so people know what’s at stake.

Sample Social Media Post:

Spread the word on social media, here are a couple sample posts:

  • On Aug. 13 there will be two constitutional amendments on our ballot. Special interests are trying to sneak these on the ballot in a low turnout election so they can eliminate checks and balances and give more power to our unproductive legislature. I’m voting NO on Questions 1 and 2 and hope you do too. You can learn more at https://www.wivotesno.org.

  • There are two constitutional amendments on the ballot on Aug. 13. If they pass, they could halt or slow disaster relief by putting our unproductive and extreme legislature in charge of all funding. I’m voting NO on Questions 1 and 2 and hope you do too. You can learn more at https://www.wivotesno.org

Tell Your Friends:

Use our fact sheet and website to make sure your friends and family are educated about Questions 1 and 2. Write down a list of three, five, ten, or twenty people that you can talk to about Voting NO by August 13. Text, call, chat at the park, church, or happy hour – make sure you remind your friends and family to vote no. 

Thank you for protecting our democracy and making sure that Wisconsin Votes No by August 13!